Intellectual Property Enforcement (2010)
Annual Report of the U. S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator
出版DIANE Publishing, 2011-06
主題Reference / General
註釋In 2010 the inaugural U.S. Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement (Strategy) was issued. It was developed as a result of public input and the efforts of Fed. agencies. The Strategy included 33 action items to improve intellectual property enforcement, falling into six categories. This report shows how the U.S. Gov't. has implemented the action items and taken steps to improve enforcement, in order to grow the U.S. economy; create jobs and support U.S. exports; promote innovation and the security of America's comparative advantage in the global economy; protect consumer trust and safety; protect national and economic security; and validate rights protected under our Constitution. Illus. This is a print on demand report.