
Cheryl Ann Dorsett after coming out of Catholicism shares with her readers how she encountered her new spiritual life in Christ Jesus. She shares how she was chosen to be the first among her siblings to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and learnt how to worship, praise and honor Almighty God, beyond religious and denominational practices.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with worshiping God within the practice of and fellowship with 'the family church' and know within yourself that there is so much more than what you've been doing, this is your book. Break the customs and traditions that has left you empty, searching and unfulfilled. Launch out and be the one CHOSEN to discover and experience Almighty God beyond the barriers of denominational practices and religion.

"The challenges we face as God’s chosen are the result of our processing. They occur because we are learning a new way of living; a spiritual way of living which is contrary to how we’ve been accustomed to prior to being called or chosen." - Cheryl Ann Dorsett