Happy Morphosis

In an age flooded with gizmos and gadgets, where technology rules the roost, with Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram getting the better of all of us, where everyone seems to have less connect with people and themselves, where people lead more stressful and anxious lives – in short,  a world fueling unhappiness, there is this growing need to pause and think – to realize the beauty of life and its true meaning, to experience happiness. 

Students these days face undue stress, be it exam pressure, peer pressure, depression or other psychological factors. Adults too need to meet deadlines and work pressure seems to be taking its toll.

Happy Morphosis is the author’s attempt to take you across the boulevard in the pursuit of happiness. How we all need to work on the different facets required for everlasting bliss is what is touched upon in this book.

Happiness is being talked about all over the globe. “ Universities around the world are teaching on it, scientists have been making a study of it, governments are appointing cabinet positions to oversee it, and Google analytics prove that people are searching for it. In fact, it is one of humanity’s oldest pursuits’.

All of us can be catalysts to spread happiness.

Are YOU the one ?