The Book That Exposes The Facts About Obama's Record
In "The Anti Obama Book - The Straight Facts As To Why Obama Sucks",
David Nordmark (author of "Understanding American Exceptionalism: What
it is, how it came to be, and why it's fading) exposes Obama's sad
record of ineptitude and failure. From the beginning he has been a media
creation that the press has falsely presented as a wise, post-partisan
leader. The reality is that he attained the highest office in the land
with no executive experience and no record of accomplishment. What's
worse is that he is a far left ideologue who only understands the
American experience through the prism of trickle down government. He
doesn't understand that what made America great was the freedom its
citizens enjoyed, not the power exercised by Washington. To Ronald
Reagan, America was a people who had a government. To Barack Obama,
America is a government that has a people. In this way Obama does not
understand the true nature of the country he nominally governs and it is
this faulty mental makeup that has led him to a series of policy
disasters in such areas as the economy and foreign affairs. "The Anti
Obama Book" is a record of these disasters, including:
- Cash for Clunkers
- Being Radically Pro-Abortion
- Eric Holder
- Gun Control
- Treating Britain Poorly
- The Keystone Pipeline
- Reneging on the Missile Shield
- The Auto Bailout
- Failed Energy Policies
- Gutting Welfare Reform
- Religious Freedom
- Solyndra and "Green Jobs"
- Undermining the Supreme Court
- Not Supporting The Iranian Green Revolution
- Fast and Furious
- Gutting The Military
- Not Leading On Afghanistan
- The Benghazi Scandal
- Undermining Israel
- Losing Iraq
- The Stimulus Program
- Obamacare
- Exploding The Debt
The mainstream media, which for the most part shares his outlook, have
done all they can to protect him, even going so far as to bury stories
such as the Benghazi tragedy and cover-up. If you want to get the full
overview of the failures that Obama and the mainstream press would
rather have you forget, this is the book for you.