Hans in Iceland
註釋Victor Hugo's first novel, Hans of Iceland, is a northern romance, in which the youthful writer has turned to great account the savage wilds, gloomy lakes, stormy seas, pathless caves, and ruined fortresses of Scandinavia.

A savage being, and as savage as the scenery around him, - human in his birth, but more akin to the brute in his nature; diminutive, but with a giant's strength; whose hobby is assassination, who lives literally as well as metaphorically on blood, - is the hero; and around this monster are grouped some of the strangest, ghastliest, and yet not wholly unnatural beings which it is possible for the imagination to conceive,- Spiagudry, the keeper of the dead-house or Morgue of Drontheim, and Orugex, the state executioner; - while gentler forms, the noble and persecuted Schumacher, and the devoted and innocent Ethel, relieve the pastimes of crime and horror.