How to Make Blockbuster Movie Trailers

The movie trailer is king!

As in all fields, the product is secondary; it is promotion that takes center stage. When a movie takes off in its opening weekend at the box office, it is because of the promotion of that movie. A film is not rewarded for its quality. It is rewarded for the quality of its trailer.

Making one, however, is a different matter.

In How To Make Blockbuster Movie Trailers, trailer producer Tom Getty opens his studio to reveal the fundamentals of making top-flight movie trailers. Never before have the secrets of Hollywood trailer-making been revealed—until now.

- The universal appeal of all blockbuster films

- The secret ingredient of successful movies

- How to sell story with film

- Capture the audience’s imagination

- Examples from popular movie trailers

- How to make trailer music

- Persuade audiences with images

- Capture the imagination with sound

- Create blockbuster movie titles

- And more!