Infotainment - Guide to Effective Sales Presentations
註釋Presentations and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. These skills are important in business, sales, training, teaching, and generally entertaining an audience. Developing the confidence and capability to stand up in front of an audience and speak well, or to give good a presentation is also extremely helpful competencies for self-development too. Like most things, delivering a successful presentation simply takes a little preparation and practice. We will explore sales presentations in 3 parts. First we will talk about preparing. These will be activities before the presentation like planning, writing, development, equipment, discovery, etc. In my opinion, preparation is the biggest factor to a successful presentation. Secondly, we will cover techniques used during the presentation. Some of these presentation tips are prepared in advance, but then used during the presentation. Lastly, we can talk about the activities after the presentation. We will discuss debriefing and evaluating feedback to help prepare for the next presentation. Tips and tricks for presentations must be applied to a presenter's unique situation and style. Some guidelines can be universally applied and some need modification. When you learn new techniques they must be internalized and made your own. I think that providing information should be entertaining. Audience members are much more accepting of information and new ideas if presented in a positive fun manner. I call this Infotainment. Presenters must believe and care about what they are saying to be effective communicators. I am passionate about presenting and hopefully I can instill some of that passion to you, the reader.