Unmasking Methodist Theology
註釋Methodism is suffering an identity crisis. With great uncertainty about the future, owing to declining numbers and a relationship with the Church of England which seems to be getting closer, a collection of the finest theological minds in contemporary Methodism have written a book which shows how recent Methodist theology can be a resource for the future. At a time when the great Methodist theologians of recent years, Gordon Wakefield, Gordon Rupp and Leslie Weatherhead have died and not been replaced, this examination of the essence and roots of Methodist theology will be especially welcome. Throughout Unmasking Methodist Theology, the focus is on what Methodism is about and what it contributes to British Christianity. It also works out where Methodist theology may go in the future. its future? What are the key Methodist emphases? How will Methodism influence the future of Christianity? Also, the question of whether Methodism should remain institutionally distinct is always present. By tradition, Methodism has an active concern with both evangelism and social welfare and by means of its central organization it is able to coordinate efforts in these two specific directions. The book also asks challenging questions about how these two emphases may develop in the complicated modern secular world. Unmasking Methodist Theology is to be launched in good time for the next Methodist Conference (2004) and is certain to be the subject of major debate on that occasion.