註釋Many Christians hold themselves back from fully understanding the Revelation of Jesus Christ because they hold onto their deeply engrained preconceived notions. The Book of Revelation seems mysterious, but it is not. Once you get past this, the Book of Revelation will become clear. For many years I did not read the last book of the Bible, because there were so many different interpretations. When I began to study the Book of Revelation verse by verse and scripture by scripture, I realized its' text is comprehensive, but not impossible to understand.

The Book of Revelation is so interwoven with prophetic nooks and crannies it is impossible to see the big picture from a one-dimensional simplified approach. Therefore, we cannot lump the entire Book of Revelation together as some do, regarding what they term as the Seven Year Tribulation period. Unlike other books you may have read about end-time prophecy, my book takes you in a completely different direction. My book hermeneutically, systemically, and mathematically dismantles the nonsensical babel that has infiltrated church doctrine and end-time prophecy. This book will change your viewpoint on what has been taught in most Christian churches for years, about what the Bible actually teaches.

"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." - Revelation 1:3