Peer-mediated Reading Instruction in Special Education Resource Room Settings
註釋This report studied intermediate grade students identified as learning disabled in a resource room setting to examine the effects of adapting repeated reading and sustained reading while manipulating level of text difficulty in a peer-mediated format. Twelve resource room teachers identified 67 students with learning disabilities and reading problems. Teachers then provided either the sustained reading (in which pairs of students read orally to each other), repeated reading (in which pairs of students read each passage three times), or control interventions. Students were assigned randomly to read either instructional or independent level text. Students in each group were trained in each of the classwide peer-mediated reading interventions. The intervention was implemented 3 times a week for 10 weeks. Results suggest that sustained reading within a classwide peer-mediated reading procedure is superior to typical reading instruction for developing fluency. However, neither sustained reading or repeated reading were superior to typical instruction in increasing comprehension. There also appeared to be no effect for level of text difficulty. Questionnaires completed by teachers and students indicated high levels of satisfaction with both treatments. (Contains 61 references.) (Db).