Diary of an Unkempt Woman
註釋Erma Bombeck meets Stephen King.Step into the mind of the award-winning author, Sandra Miller Linhart and get a glimpse of her irreverent thoughts. Through humorous (and some dark) poems, essays, and short stories, Sandra reveals more about the inner workings of her life and mind than you probably ever wanted to know.Sandra's insightful short stories will take you on a journey of self-discovery and introduce you to a different viewpoints than those held by the general population. She offers poems both bitter-sweetly innocent and jarringly raw and difficult, much like peering into an open wound. Her humorous essays speak to the absurdities of life, sometimes in a sarcastic or sardonic, but always light-hearted way. The words between these covers appeal to the dreamers and the observant; those who've tried on the shoes of love, only to find they pinch and blister. Mothers, especially those of the single variety, will find a kindred spirit in Sandra Miller Linhart, and a realization they're not alone.