Romans Interpretation Book

In the Bible, the age before Jesus Christ came to the world have been called the age of the Old Testament and the age after Jesus Christ came to the world have been called the age of the New Testament.

The Old Testament as the Law means that God gave the Scriptures through the angels as the messenger of God to the Prophets in order to make the Israelites serve to God. These scriptures are the first covenant of God, thus the Old Testament is called the first covenant as well. 

By the way, the Israelites as the dependants of Abraham symbolized the chosen people of God who God had predestined as his people before God created the heavens and the earth. Thus the Israelites were God's people in the age of the Old Testament and the chosen people of God have been God's people in the age of the New Testament.

In this way the Old Testament means the first covenant as the Law that God gave to make the Israelites keep it by their mind of the flesh for their living with the flesh in the world. Thus the Law became the regulation of their living with the flesh.

By the way, their mind of the flesh have been tempted by the messenger of the devil just as the serpent in the Eden Garden tempted the mind of the flesh of Eve as the wife of the Adam.

The Israelites as the human being have to live with their mind of the flesh without their spirit that are able to follow God who is spirit.

Because the human being have been born with the dead spirit as the guilty conscience without their spirit as good conscience due to Adam's sin that followed the temptation of the serpent instead of the command of God in the Eden Garden. This is called as the original sin of human being.

And in the age of the New Testament as the age of the new covenant or the age of the Salvation, Jesus who came to the world and the apostles preached the world of truth of God as the gospel of Christ to the chosen people of God in order to save them through their spirit born again from their dead spirit due to Adam's sin. (See the messages of John 3:3-5)

The word of truth of God as the gospel means the New Covenant as the law of the Spirit, but not the first covenant as the Law.

And the new covenant as the law of the Spirit become the regulation of the spiritual living for God's people.

It means that the Scriptures in the New Testament become the word of truth of God as the gospel of Christ for the salvation of the chosen people of God. So that the gospel has the spiritual meaning in the messages instead of the literal meaning of the messages in order to save God's people.

Because the one who are born again from the dead spirit due to Adam's sin must be aware spiritually of the gospel in order to follow the will of God who is spirit for the spiritual living by his spiritual new life as his new self instead of the living of the flesh by his old self that lived with his mind of the flesh.

As the mentioned above, now we have to be aware spiritually of the gospel as the new covenant becoming the New Testament in order to be saved from our original sin due to Adam's sin in the Eden Garden.

Therefore through this books with the Spiritual Interpretation, you, as the chosen people of God are able to be aware spiritually of the world of truth of God as the new covenant for your salvation.

When you read this books, the spiritual messages of God that are living with the power of God will lead you to be born again with good conscience from the dead spirit due to Adam's sin as the original sin.