The Continuous Appetite
Understanding Your Cravings, Ending Your Overeating!
出版BalboaPress, 2012-01-30
主題Body, Mind & Spirit / Healing / General
註釋Have you ever found yourself mindlessly shoving food into your mouth after a bad day? Life is supposed to feel wonderful, but when you are controlled by the fridge,pantry, or overpowering food cravings, your life can become depressing and dreadful to live. The Continuous Appetite will show you how to: • Stop running to food when life presents a challenge • Bring spirituality into your relationship with food • Get clear on the foods that work for your body + the foods that don’t • Gain the tools you need to process your emotions without running to food By taking you on an interactive journey Sophie will help you understand how to heal the imbalance in your body, emotions, mind, and spirit. The result is having a harmonious relationship with food where you’re able to eat to fuel your body and taste the pleasure along the way.