The Health Care Dilemma
註釋This book deals with the problems of the utilization of technology in the health care system, assessment of technology, control and standardization, the relationship of technology to clinical medicine and the elements of technology and technology application. Technology is concentrated in the hospital - at high costs - although 98% of all health care delivery is done outside the hospital. This book exa- mines the role of technology in a health caee delivery system beset by problems: The cost of medical care is steadily rising, hospitals operate on a cost-plus basis with few incentives to reduce costs, the system is oriented toward hospital care rather than toward am- bulatory care, and the systems is still largely entrepreneurial be- tween physician and patient. Technology can help not so much by pro- viding intensive new machinery but by bringing its engineering prin- ciples to bear on mundane problems that need to be solved. One of those problems is standardization of patients records that can be transferred easily between points and be understood at the receiving end.