
The gripping legal thriller that launched lawyer Kate Lange into the hearts of ONE MILLION readers—and into the hands of a serial killer...

"Part medical mystery, part bloody thriller, here is a debut that had me flipping pages until the wee hours of the morning." —James Rollins, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author

Are you craving a heart-pounding, mind-bending read that combines the intensity of a legal drama with the chilling suspense of a medical thriller? Dive into the gripping pages of Damaged by acclaimed internationally bestselling author Pamela Callow, where law, medicine, and danger collide in an unputdownable rollercoaster ride.

With Damaged, Pamela Callow seamlessly combines the legal expertise of John Grisham, the medical authenticity of Michael Palmer, and the relentless tension of James Patterson. This fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat novel will keep you flipping pages well into the night, eagerly anticipating the shocking twists and turns that lie ahead.

"Saying it's action-packed is a bit of an understatement. It's the kind of book you buy on Friday and stay up all night reading." --The Chronicle Herald 

Meet attorney Kate Lange. She has one chance to prove herself—and to prove to herself that she can make it—in a firm where everyone wants her to fail. But landing this job is what Kate believes will lead to redemption in the tragic death of her sister years ago. Instead, Kate makes the biggest mistake of her career. As Kate desperately tries to redeem herself, she uncovers a sinister conspiracy that puts her in the path of a serial killer.

"...a taut, edge-of-the-seat thriller..."—Linwood Barclay, New York Times Bestselling Author

Pamela Callow's mastery of storytelling shines in Damaged, delivering a high-octane narrative packed with unforgettable characters, explosive plot twists, and an atmosphere that will send shivers down your spine. With her background in law and a talent for creating tension-filled scenes, Callow effortlessly captures the essence of legal battles and crime investigations, immersing you in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

But it's not just the thrilling storyline that will captivate you—it's the meticulous attention to detail that truly sets Callow's work apart. Every legal procedure, biomedical process and forensic investigation has been carefully researched to ensure authenticity. This commitment to accuracy immerses readers in a world that feels real, elevating the reading experience to new heights.

"...every bit as exciting as books by many New York Times bestselling authors..."—Fresh Fiction

Perfect for fans of gripping legal dramas, medical thrillers, and those who love a relentless battle for justice, Damaged is a must-read that will leave your heart pounding. Prepare to be enthralled by Pamela Callow's unique blend of legal expertise, medical suspense, and superb storytelling.

"...dark and dangerously suspenseful." —Atlantic Books Today

Grab your copy of Damaged today and immerse yourself in a world where justice is fought for, secrets are exposed, and the truth lies just out of reach. Get ready for a heart-pounding reading experience that will leave you hungry for more.

A Levy "Need to Read" Pick with Top Ten Bestseller Display across North America.

For fans of John Grisham, Robin Cook, Kathy Reichs, James Patterson and Patricia Cornwell:

"My favourite authors are James Patterson and John Grisham and this book easily fit amongst these great authors."

"Right up there with Robin Cook...great writer and subject matter."

"I'm a big 'King' fan so for me to read a book of a different flavor and keep me interested is great writing. I think Pamela has a great talent."

"This had the feel of John Grisham's The Client."

"The plot reminded me of early Patricia Cornwell."

"This book was so well put together it reminded of Kathy Reichs and Linda Fairstein."

"Those who compare her to master thriller writers aren't exaggerating! This book is masterfully written and put together. The writing as well as the editing is superb."

"A great thriller. Rivals the best. One of my favorite authors."