What the Bible Says about Speaking in Tongues

The Biblical gift of speaking in tongues is the supernatural gift from God of speaking in a known foreign language to unbelievers without any previous knowledge or training in that language. And what is spoken in that foreign language is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The main purpose is in order that Christ and Him crucified would be preached to all nations in a language that the hearer would understand. Yet today, many wolves in sheep clothing have perverted what the true gift of speaking in tongues really is, and have replaced it with all sorts of  false doctrines. This Bible study teaches verse by verse on this topic, teaching what the Bible says as compared to what the heretics of today have to say, who are deceiving Christians by telling them to pray in ecstatic utterance that was once only associated with demonic possession. And as you will see, a very dangerous doctrine is being spewed from the tongues of these false prophets.