Upon This Rock...My Church
註釋The book Upon this Rock, My church is the first in a series of writings which will introduce and stimulate more dialogue concerning the biblical support and validity for a framework for the Multicultural Christian Church, emerging from GOD's Word. This book highlights the Multicultural Christian Church (aMCC) infrastructure in the early Church. The concept name a Multicultural Christian Church (aMCC) is definitively scriptural. The purpose for veiling the framework concept in scripture until now is crucial, yet simple. In His Alpha and Omega Wisdom, the FATHER knew that HE would bountifully bless HIS church and form it to be on earth as it is in Heaven. That has always been the intended design. But, the sin of covetousness, greed, and weak leadership has caused alarming moral decay, disconnection and dissension in the body. Today, in the new millennial era, the need for refocus and a Next-Level course of action for Christian churches, beyond denominational quagmire, is apparent. These writings will show Christian Churches everywhere how to move beyond denominational stagnation and squabbles. It will show them how to stand in unison as blessed, unique, contributing parts of the Body of Christ as they speak afresh, in one united voice, as the Kingdom of God on earth as in Heaven. As it was in the beginning, so shall the common cord of Christ be revealed in all things, especially the building of His Church.