The Law in the Scriptures
With Explanations of the Law Terms and Legal References in Both the Old and the New Testaments
出版The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2000
主題Religion / Biblical Studies / General
註釋White, Edw. J. The Law in Scriptures: With Explanations of the Law Terms and Legal References in Both the Old and the New Testaments. St. Louis: Thomas Law Book Company, 1935. xxiv, 422 pp. Reprinted 2000 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 99-059102. ISBN 1-58477-076-7. Cloth. $80. * Takes the books of the Bible in order, each chapter corresponding to a Book. "No lawyer can read this book without having impressed upon him more firmly than ever before the conviction that in a world of changes and turmoil, the fundamental principles of justice have remained unaltered down through the ages...The great mass of scholarly and useful information that has been collected in this work is a credit to its author. Any lawyer will find the book of great assistance in tracing the origin of our law.": Kansas City Law Review 3:94 cited in Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection of New York University (1953) 110.