Literate Artifacts and Psychosocial Compositions
Feminist Activism's Composing, Archiving, and Revising of Social Narratives
出版Kent State University, 2015
註釋In 2014, the White House issued guidelines to increase pressure on universities to more aggressively combat sexual assault on campuses. As gender violence on college campuses becomes a focal point of contemporary politics, the need to understand communication surrounding the issue increases. This dissertation, then, employs Sonja Foss's (2009) "fantasy theme" rhetorical analysis and David Silverman's (2011) semiotic analysis to examine activists' textual and visual composing practices related to gender violence. This work is grounded in The Clothesline Project, an international event that invites survivors of sexual assault, and individuals remembering victims of sexual assault, to decorate tee shirts that are hung on a clothesline in a public space. I begin by using the rhetorical and semiotic analysis to examine how written and visual literacy function in relation to understandings of female embodiment and violence against women. I then discuss how literate artifacts can be used as an archive to continue revising social narratives. Finally, I consider findings within the framework of rhetorics of silence. Expanding upon the long-standing notion that "the personal is political," this work sheds light on the complexities of blurred boundaries--how paradoxes like "silence speaks" allow for subversive communication in material, visual, textual, "spoken" and "unspoken" forms.