Northrop Frye in Context
註釋“Diane Dubois takes a contextual approach to Northrop Frye’s work and claims that it is best assessed in relation to his biographical circumstances. In context and in specific details, Dubois’ book seeks to illuminate Frye’s œuvre as a personal, lifelong project. This volume successfully situates Frye’s work within the social, political, religious and philosophical conditions of the time and place of conception and writing. Dubois ranges from Frye’s critical utopia and views on criticism and education through the university, church and William Blake to politics and the Canadian and academic milieu. This book, which is particularly good at tracing Frye’s academic influences and his roots in Methodism and Canada, will have a strong appeal to an international audience of general readers, students, teachers and specialists. Frye is a key figure in the cultural and literary theory of the twentieth century, and Dubois’ accomplished discussion helps us to see his work anew.”

– Jonathan Hart, author of Northrop Frye: The Theoretical Imagination (1994), Interpreting Cultures (2006), Empires and Colonies (2008) and Literature, Theory, History (2011)