The Diane Chronicles
註釋An Unexpected Life . . . Chocolate cake and birthday parties, two loving parents, a Jewish home, and a gentle Southern childhood prepared Diane Forman for a life of stability and security, not the rollercoaster of joy, marriage, loss, adoption, divorce, financial struggle, Al-Anon, widowhood, family mystery, and a rare, debilitating disease. Born in 1939, Diane found herself caught in the social upheavals and technological changes of her generation, challenges that shook the foundation of her world-and enriched it. In The Diane Chronicles, her strong narrative tells the tale, her quiet poems reflect the emotion, and her many photos illustrate the people past and present who have shaped her life. Amid the roadblocks and detours, readers will identify with Diane's humor, determination, spirit, and grit as she openly shares this personal yet universal journey through an unexpected life.