註釋Robert Ben Mitchell's terrifying story of growing up in a family where extreme physical and sexual abuse were the norm. Detailing his childhood and teenage years, he tells how his father raped him from when he was a toddler until 6 years of age, how his mother subjected him to bone-breaking beatings, and how all of this culminated in a tragic episode when he was 17 years old that almost cost him his life. He also explains how his parents were able to hide their actions, including the murder of a sibling, due to his father's high position in a United States spy satellite program. A survivor of extreme child abuse, he shares his story so that others who have survived such horrors will know that they are not alone, and he ends with hope and help for those who want to tell their own speechless stories. Today, he is an osteopathic physician who works with people who are addicted to pain medications and heroin, as well as helping individuals who are recovering from child abuse.