Effect of Electrostatic Charging on the Dose Transfer of Water-Based Pesticide Mixtures
註釋In an attempt to implement safe and reliable electrostatic charging of agricultural sprays, a conductive charging system based on conventional hydraulic spray booms and existing pesticide formulations is being developed. Atomization measurements showed that in general, the drop size distributions of hydraulic nozzles remained unchanged when voltage was applied to the spray solution. Applying voltage did, however, increase the velocity of droplets in the spray cloud. Deposit quantity on weeds increased up to 4 fold with voltage on. This effect was most pronounced at a fast travel speed and wide nozzle spacing. The benefit of electrostatic charging was reduced, but still significant, in the presence of a wheat stubble or soybean plant canopy. Spray coverage on the under-side of single leaves of exposed soybean plants was negligible without voltage, but increased to a maximum of 15% of the upper-side leaf coverage with applied voltage (25 kV). Spray penetration to the lower half of the plants also increased with voltage. At least a two fold rate reduction with glyphosate could be demonstrated with voltage on. Application of voltage to a bifenthrin spray dramatically increased control of aphids, mites and thrips on the under-side of cotton leaves.