The Hand in the Dark Illustrated
註釋For the twentieth time Miss Meredith asked herself why her nephew had fallen in love with this unknown girl, Violet, from London, who loathed the country. From Miss Heredith's point of view, a girl who smoked and talked slang lacked any sense of the dignity of the high position to which she had been called. She was in every way unfitted to become mother of the next male Heredith .if, indeed, she consented to bear an heir at all. It was Miss Heredith's constant regret that Phil had not married some nice girl of the county, in his own station of life, instead of a London girl. Such thoughts were immediately dashed from her mind, however and she nearly tumbled, descending the staircase in her hurry. Vincent, at the table with the other guests, had risen at the sound of her hurrying feet. "Oh, Vincent, I was just coming for you something terrible must have happened!" Miss Meredith began, in a broken, sobbing voice. The Hand In The Dark was written in 1920 by Arther John Rees.