Earth Observations and Global Change
註釋"Is it possible to predict or alleviate the impacts of natural and manmade disasters? From California wildfires to Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico to the changing climate to the ongoing violence in Darfur, environmental and national security events are around the world are unfolding more and more quickly. How can we manage the water shortages and droughts that – combined with crop failures, soaring energy prices, and a growing demand for biofuels – have aggravated an unprecedented global food crisis? Will we be able to balance the need for alternative energy and soaring gas prices while simultaneously limiting carbon emissions and managing cap and trade agreements? These questions and many others highlight a few of the challenges presented by global change. Our ability to understand and address these challenges relies on the uninterrupted flow of timely and accurate information to planners and first responders. The CSIS report “Earth Observations and Global Changes” looks at the current state of Earth observations technology and whether or not current and future decision makers will have access to enough information to reliably address global change.