The Odesk Revolution
註釋The recent boom in freelancing has only been enhanced and expanded by the global availability that the internet providesand many have turned to the web as either client or contractor to get the best possible options for jobs. Around the millennium entrepreneurs began to catch on to the business potential of this latent supply and demand and online freelancing sites such as elance and odesk sprang up. They have thrived and cater for hundreds of thousands of jobs and people today. This book looks at freelancing as a concept – the advantages and pitfalls, the pros and cons. It also looks at the plethora of websites offering this type of opportunity for different disciplines such as writing, computing, design and admin work. We are not recommending online freelance as a life style nor any of the sites or techniques mentioned. What we are doing is providing a useful introduction to the subject and a rich information source so you can decide yourself whether this is for you. Good hunting!