The Wind of Change: Comparative lessons for restorative justice in South Africa and the UK

The death of Nelson Mandela in December 2013 closed an active year for restorative justice. His life was a symbol of restoration and promise and continues to stir interest and discussion in the search for an alternative to incarceration and towards peaceful conflict resolution.

This book looks at restorative justice in context of two countries, the United Kingdom and South Africa, as they independently try to navigate between past, present and future justice systems. There is reference to the cultural, political and socio-economic landscapes of each nation. Our understanding of justice is symbolic of these landscapes and a mapping exercise is undertaken, with a discussion of enablers and barriers for the restorative justice movement internationally.

The book also discusses the ownership of restorative justice and the role of non-governmental bodies such as Khulisa. A key to the restorative justice process is a balance of stakeholder involvement between state and community enterprise. It is important to examine and highlight the importance of these bodies in the continuing and increased commentary on the restorative justice process. Subsequently, this book offers a timely and much needed discussion regarding our careful future steps in the shadow of legendary voices.


“As we investigate how best to lend our knowledge and expertise to the development of Restorative Justice in the UK, we commissioned RJ4All to carry out an analysis and assessment of the growth in restorative justice policy and practice in each country. This paper compliments the forums, seminars and knowledge-exchange initiatives we have already carried out between England and South Africa over the last several years. We are grateful for the depth and breadth of the analysis undertaken by RJ4All and the recommendations they put forward. It is our hope that we can implement much of what they suggest through open and sincere collaborations with a multitude of partners, funders and commissioners already active in their communities. We would like to come bearing gifts and not with a hand looking to take”. Simon Fulford, CEO of Khulisa


Book Abstract


Foreword: Simon Fulford, Chief Executive of Khulisa UK

Executive Summary


Khulisa South Africa and Khulisa UK

Putting things in context: The development of restorative justice in the UK and South Africa

To cite this book: Gavrielides, T. and G. Loseby (2014). The Wind of Change: Comparative Lessons for Restorative Justice in South Africa and the United Kingdom, London: RJ4All Publications, ISBN 978-1-911634-04-1.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30617.08803