註釋We want intimacy that evokes a loving sense of familiarity, attachment, companionship, devotion and trust—an emotional haven that shelters during rough times with shared confidence, faith and support.

Intimacy does not automatically evolve just because we are in love with someone. It takes time, patience and focus. Both partners must be willing to share their vulnerabilities to develop high-caliber intimacy. They can't worry about betrayal or loss of control. They must peel away the protective barriers to reveal the treasure.

Although the steps to intimacy are not mysterious and the skills are not complex, they are elusive. The steps must be practiced, creating a dance where neither partner leads, but both are well schooled in the choreography. Without true intimacy, it is impossible to sustain passion.

Here, we bring you 100 tips to heighten your intimacy. Sample a few, and we will wager that soon you will find your partner smiling more and opening up to the person he likes best in the world—you.

You and your partner—destined to be a truly intimate couple—will be set to share a lifetime of love, warmth, and quintessential closeness. You want it. So, go out there and get it!