Gordian Knots, Hottentots, and Elephant Amputees

Laughter, satire, wit; the devils been using those for years to put down, brow beat, and control Christians. If you go in anyway against his agenda, you are then ridiculed by mainstream society, by the News Media, by Talk Shows, and by some very talented folk who use their God given talent to mock any and all things holy. Well, two can play at that game! Laughter? Satire? Wit? Check! Check! Check! They're all in here! And who says Christians can't have a sense of humor? Sure, they'll sing in church, pray, recite, testify; even cry, sob, and wail; but laugh? Maybe, but only if everyone else does! Hey, it's okay for Christians to learn and laugh, to laugh and learn. The Holy Spirit, here on this earth, is with us, living in us, and has a great sense of humor. He'll even get us to laugh at ourselves, which is a good thing 'cause some of us take ourselves way too seriously. On that note; got a question for you: Is it better to get mad at yourself, or to laugh at yourself? To get mad and increase stress, or to laugh and relieve it? Hey, we're human, we're gonna do the occasional stupid thing anyway, might as well laugh at it and learn from it! Oh right, THE BOOK! This is supposed to be about the book, OOPS! Yes, I confess, I do tend to wander a little off topic. I could get mad at myself for this repetitive tendency, or I could just laugh at it, learn from it, and get back on track. In this book, I've attempted to use Holy Spirit revelation (yes, the Holy Ghost is my "Ghost Writer;" and I freely admit that!), scripture, and humor to further spread the Gospel (The Good News!) of Jesus Christ. So, just in case the back cover of this book is the only part you ever read, just let me say this, JESUS LOVES YOU. HE'S PAID FOR EVERY SIN YOU'VE EVER COMMITTED, ARE COMMITTING, OR WILL COMMIT IN THE FUTURE. YOUR SIN DEBT HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL. Simple acceptance of that truth, and a belief in him, gets you salvation, redemption, righteousness, and eternal life; all that and more. The Bible in particular, and this book in part, can and will provide further revelation. Hey, if you're a Christian you should already know all that; if you're not or you don't, now you do!