Theories of Counseling and Therapy (Third Edition)
Jeffrey A. Kottler
Marilyn J. Montgomery
Cognella, Incorporated
, 2019-03-25
Social Science / General
This unique review of therapeutic theories gives students knowledge and skills for clinical practice while presenting key concepts that are immediately and directly applicable to their lives. Thus,
Theories of Counseling and Therapy: An Experiential Approach
bridges the gap between complex models of counseling and psychotherapy and students' own personal experiences. Readers are introduced to key ideas and concepts in the discipline and encouraged to apply them in meaningful ways as they learn.
The text introduces students to theoretical "families," since many strict boundaries between approaches have softened in recent years. This approach helps students learn the material strategically, as it facilitates the linking of related concepts from different approaches. In addition to studying "classic" theories of counseling and therapy, students are introduced to more contemporary and cutting-edge approaches that take into account a greater diversity of needs among client populations. Additionally, students are provided with illustrative cases, stories, and narratives from beginning practitioners, seasoned experts, and the personalities behind the theories. They will also learn about integrative and pragmatic models that take into account the importance of cultural, worldview, spirituality, and gender sensitivity within the helping professions.
This thoroughly revised and updated third edition features new applications of theories to populations with particular needs, expanded information on the translation of theoretical knowledge into practice plans and treatment goals, critical thinking exercises, and more.
Both practical and personal in nature,
Theories of Counseling and Therapy
is well-suited to courses in counseling and psychotherapy theory.
For a look at the specific features and benefits of
Theories of Counseling and Therapy
, visit cognella.com/theories-of-counseling-and-therapy-features-and-benefits.