Modern Chromatics; with Applications to Art and Industry
註釋This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1879 edition. Excerpt: ... Fig. 181.--Contrast Diagram. iart always make the best combinations; te case, the best combinations would be aentary pairs, which in the diagram are est distance from each other, viz., oppof the complementary colours are quite live contrast; for example, red and its -blue, also purple and its complement he complementary pairs, according to least employed in art, as the harshness a maximum. Now we can divide the ig. 131, into two halves by a line drawn jen to violet, and the left-hand half will colours, the right-hand the cold. After id that red and green-blue, or purple and y complementary, but also situated at or Le chromatic circle, it does not follow re far apart make good combinations. 1-green, or bluish-green enters into a to produce a harsh effect if the green covers much space. The enormous g full greens or bluish-greens is perd by artists, and many of them avoid ssible. The presence in a picture of a it of a colour approaching bluish-green: ites in most persons a feeling of dk>rk otherwise good to appear cold and L hard. Corresponding to this, most f the opinion that the pigment known □ore intense and saturated than any of sed by them. From a purely optical would seem hardly to be the case: ts more white light mixed with its ermilion, and its luminosity is not out se of vermilion or ultramarine-blue, if andard the luminosities of the correthe spectrum. Hence we must seek eason of its unusually intense action, sed to attribute this well-known intolens to the fact that green light exhausts f the eye sooner than light of any other stion is proved by the observation that . accidental colours, are more vivid with ie other colours. (See Chapter VIII.) ling, very strong sensations are offensive jersed among those that are...