Observing the Miracles in The Bliss of Silence
註釋Welcome to this Journey of Self-Discovery. It is going to be an endless journey. However, the choice is always yours, whether you want to walk on this Journey with me or not. Before starting this Journey, the purpose of this Journey should be clear to us. The purpose of this Journey is to purify the mind, eradicate all the mental defilement, the negativities within, and thus attaining Liberation from all Misery, attaining full Enlightenment. The Journey from Misery to Liberation, from Darkness to Light, begins here. There is only one person who can put an end to all of your Suffering. That person is YOU. This is a Journey of Self-Discovery, Self-Exploration. This Journey will help you to understand and experience the real meaning of Love and Happiness. To end your suffering, you have to know your self, understand your self, at a deeper level, the root level. You have to realize the truth about your self. You have to come out of the illusion and live in the reality. If you want to remove pain and all kinds of fear and sufferings from your life, then you have to find out how these things entered in your life. You don’t know when you will die. However, you should know that you will die someday, at some point of time. You are actually dying. At every moment, you are coming close to death. Your time in this world is temporary. Your time is ending at every moment. Therefore, it is not logical to live your life in fear, or to be scared of something, which is temporary. This is the perfect time for you to come out of fear, be fearless, and live in freedom. You are eating food, just to do some hard work and earn money to eat food again. You feed your family, you educate your children so that they could also earn money and feed their family and this process will go on. It doesn’t matter how much food you eat, your hunger will never go away, and also you will die one day. Your time is temporary and it is ending at every moment. I am not asking you to starve. However, there is definitely an important, a pure aspect of life, which we are ignoring because we are busy in feeding our hungry stomach. This book will help you. I wish you all the very best for your Journey.