The Message of the Three Angels'

The book gives an insight into the aspects of how this world was created. How could the immortal creation of God turn into being mortal? The reasons for this aberration and abnormalities have been explained. The role of Lucifer the devil in spoiling things and the final outcome in this regard. The basic character of God prompted him to salvage the fallen human race. Accordingly, the Lord has been making interventions right from the beginning to correct this abnormality. How this intervention works, what are the obligations on the part of man to fulfill, and what the logical end is also outlined? The final conflict between those who align themselves with God and walk his path in obedience and those who cast the lot with satan and worldly things has also been outlined. Right from the beginning of creation to the end, the various interventions made by Lord to save his people, and the opposition and resistance forthcoming from the devil is also explained. The sharp distinction between those who will have eternal life and those who shall be cast in the lake of fire makes interesting reading. The metamorphosis to eternity and the end of the devil and his evil angels is clearly brought out.

This book examines the efforts made by God to gather all the people and give them salvation. Right from the beginning God has been looking and waiting for a man to come back to Him. Before the world was destroyed by the great deluge, He appointed Noah, a man of great esteem to preach to the people to repent and leave their sinful ways. Noah preached for 120 years for the people to repent and come back to God. In like fashion the Lord has been sending prophets since the beginning of civilization so that the people repent and come back to him. As a loving God he wants to save every soul and thus gives us chance after chance and opens ways and means through which we can reach out to him. Finally, God sent his son Jesus Christ. They crucified him. Through His blood He ransomed humanity. Since the chosen people of God rejected Him, the door of salvation was opened to the gentiles. The Gospel was then to be preached to all in all the corners of the world.