The Baker Street Protectors

 Malcolm Noble’s books have been praised for their sense of place and atmosphere, strong characterisation and first-rate storytelling. In The Baker Street Protectors, he gives us an exciting whodunit that will satisfy scholarly Sherlockians as well as the fans of his previous books set on Goodladies Road.

In his latest story of crime and confusion, prolific crime writer Malcolm Noble takes us back to 1949, a world of post-war rationing, power cuts and daily smog, and pitches his blundering bobby, Ned Machray, to solve the murder of Sherlock Holmes. 

Constable Ned Machray, ostracised following the debacle of his latest secret service, rips the seat from his third pair of uniform trousers in as many days and tumbles into his most perilous investigation. 

“Death, Constable Machray. Wicked death lies in store for us.”
The unmarked grave of Mr Sherlock Holmes will only be disclosed when a Peeler emerges from the fog with his Victorian lantern held high. Then the true secret behind Conan Doyle’s short story The Copper Beeches will be unearthed. But who is this lone bobby, destined to follow a trail of muddy murders from the dark alleys of Goodladies Junction to the forsaken creeks of the Solent..?