註釋"This book explores an eminently human phenomenon: our capacity to engage with the possible, to go beyond what is present, visible or given in our existence. Possibility studies are today an emerging field of research including topics as diverse as creativity, imagination, innovation, anticipation, counterfactual thinking, wondering, the future, social change, hope, agency and utopia. The present contribution to this wide field is represented by a sociocultural and pragmatist account of the possible grounded in the notions of difference, position, perspective, dialogue, action and culture. Put simply, this theory proposes that our explorations of the possible are enabled by the human capacity to relate to the world from more than one position and perspective and understand that any perspective we hold is, at all times, one among many. Such an account transcends the long-standing dichotomy between the possible and the real, a sterile separation that ends up portraying possibility as separate from and even opposed to reality. On the contrary, the theory of the possible advanced here goes back to this notion's etymological roots (the Latin possibilis "that can be done", from posse "to be able") and considers it as both a precondition and outcome of human action and interaction. Exploring the possible doesn't take place outside of or in addition to our experience of the world; rather, it infiltrates it from the start, infuses it with new meanings and ends up transforming it altogether. This book aims to offer conceptual, methodological and practical tools for all those interested in studying human possibility and cultivating it in education, at the workplace, in everyday life and in society"--