
The material world in which we live represents only a small slice of a
broad spectrum of being--from the realm of the humblest nature spirits to
that of the most exalted archangels. This second book in the Sacred Adventure
series expounds on the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the
veil. Learn from them how to embody the divine qualities of Will, Wisdom
and Love as you explore the hidden dimensions of life in these revealing

  • Exploring Our Teeming Cosmos
  • The Strength of Divine Will
  • Soul Travel
  • The Brilliance of Divine Wisdom
  • The Angelic Kingdom
  • The Comfort of Divine Love
  • The Threefold Flame

In days gone by, spiritual seekers made arduous journeys to inaccessible
places to find the enlightened ones. Summit University, a modern-day mystery
school, offers you a unique home study course that parallels these ancient
quests for higher understanding. Engage in this profound sacred adventure in
the comfort of your own home.