The Ordinary Life of Nadia Lewis

This is a tale of trials and tribulations of lifelong friendship. Two girls meet when Susan's family moved into the road where Nadia lived. The two youngsters hit it off straight away and became an inseparable force to be reckoned with, not least on the school playground. The story begins by reminiscing about their school days and childhoods; imaginative games at the shopping centre, writing books together, re-enacting comedy sketches. They danced to music and swooned over popstars. They drifted apart slightly when they joined different social groups, but they remained friends throughout their teenage years experiencing all the things typical teenagers go through. When they turned eighteen, they went their separate ways - Nadia to university, Susan quickly moved out after deciding that staying at home was too boring. Life moved on and the girls grew up and started doing 'adult things': moving in with long-term partners, working full-time, getting married and having children. But as everyone knows, adult life is not always smooth sailing.