In the Image of His God
29 Mysterious Deaths!
Dr. Peter J. Shield has spent over 40 years writing, producing and hosting his "World of Unexplained Mysteries" Radio and Television series. (http: //worldofunexplainedmysteries.com)
He has during that time lived and worked in 25 countries around the world. In the '50s he joined Cambridge University's archaeological team on the excavation of St. Agatha's and St. Paul's catacombs on the remote island of Malta where this story takes place. In 1987 he became involved with the research team investigating the Shroud of Turin and became intrigued with the search for the truth as to the authenticity of this most sacred object said to be the burial cloth of Christ. Over 29 mysterious deaths have been associated with this most Holy relic! The source of the image however has yet to be discovered. In "In the Image of His God" Dr. Shield proposes an incredible scenario involving The Knights Templar, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pope John Paul II and a plot by the infamous Illuminati to bring about the downfall of the Catholic Church!
All references to the Shroud, The Knights and the investigative study of the sacred cloth are factual including the reported deaths of over 29 of those associated with the Shroud during its recorded history.