This book about Medical Ethics, Religion, and Morals, goes from the Clinic of Hippocrates under a Plane Tree on the Greek island of Cos, to the small one-room Cottage Hospital in Capernaum of the Gospel of St Mark, staffed by two fisherman and Christ, to reach the Maudsley Hospital in London and UCLA in California.The book explores the brain - mind interface. Do the Mechanics of Neurology and the Mind of Kindness come from the same or different material? Are they similar or different in essence? The question was asked by Plato in ancient Greece, later by Descartes in France: in the twenty-first century in the ‘Higher Cortical Functions’ of neuropsychologist Alexander Luria in Russia, Adam Zeman ’s ‘Consciousness' in Edinburgh, and by Oliver Sacks in the New York Review of Books.
Neurology and Kindness deals with Neurology, Brain, Mind and the innate human quality of Kindness; reinforced by the Love of Christianity, the Charity of Islam, the Duty of Judaism. It is written as a handbook for Nurses, Doctors, and also the Church: all who care for and help the sick.