What is Cyclopia ? A manifestation of Congenital Anomaly: Holoprosenchephaly (HPE).
Cyclopia (alobar holoprosencephaly)* is a quaint and lethal complex human malformation, resulting from incomplete cleavage of prosencephalon into right and left hemispheres occurring between the 18th and the 28th day of gestation.*[ In the alobar holoprosencephaly form, there is no separation between the right and left halves at all.]
Holoprosencephaly occurs in 1/16,000 live births, and 1/250 during embryogenesis.
Approximately 1.05 in 100,000 births are identified as infants with cyclopia, including stillbirths.
Most cases are sporadic.
Cyclopia typically presents with a median single eye or a partially divided eye in a single orbit, absent nose, and a proboscis above the eye.
Extracranial malformations described in stillbirths with cyclopia include polydactyl, renal dysplasia, and an omphalocele.
The etiology of this rare syndrome, which is incompatible with life, is still largely unknown.
Heterogeneous risk factors have been implicated as possible causes.
An attempt has been made in this Booklet to precisely present Definition, Causes, Pathophysiology, Life expectancy etc., along with relevant /evidence based plenty of ILLUSTRATIONS for better understanding this quaint but interesting entity of Cyclopia Syndrome.
…Dr. H. K. Saboowala.
M.B.(Bom) .M.R.S.H.(London)