BooBoo's True Story the Lilttle Lost Crackhead Boy Returns to God
註釋A respectful, handsome, na�ve 10 year old little boy quickly grows up and becomes a teenager. But along the way Booboo encounters a number of situations dealing with peer pressure that causes him to make some wrong choices in friends which in due course leads to him experimenting with drugs and alcohol. As time passes the harmless little boy, now a teenager begins to hang with the wrong crowd, skip school, his grades get worst, and his wonderful, happy life slowly unravels. His simple, easily persuasive nature leads him to eventually becoming homeless and addicted to crack cocaine. At 23 years old Booboo found himself alone, scarred, and living at the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. He didn't tell his family because he was ashamed that he had been reduced to begging, surviving on the streets, although he missed and loved them very much. With each unfortunate twist and turn Booboo realizes that his parents were right when he was younger as they tried to warn him about the consequences of hanging around certain kids in the neighborhood who they didn't approve of. As the ill-fated episodes of Booboo's life continued it happened one day that like the prodigal son in the Luke 15:11-24, "Booboo came to himself" and decides to go back to God, the Father. However, during his rededication to live a life that pleases God's his evil friends keep trying to get him to do wrong things. In spite of their provoking this time they fail because Booboo's new found love for the Jesus, desire to feel the affectionate arms of his mother wrapped around him, and especially his conviction of sin had a more power influence on his life. Praise for "Hey Booboo". Teenagers and adults everywhere will appreciate Booboo's challenges and applaud his determination and courage to return to God and say no to drugs. The literature of this book is appealing, simple and brings to light a clever twist on the ever-popular topic of peer pressure and drug addiction.