a progress report for the US-Slovenia research project
出版Wisconsin Power Electronics Research Center, 1999
註釋In the first part a survey of application and motor performance specifications are given. The results of finite element analyses, force calculation and optimization of the secondary part are described. The motor was designed by the Power Engineering Institute and built by the company DOMEL. The comparison between the calculated and the measured results of the moving force is presented. They are in good agreement. The realization of the motor and the measuring arrangement are presented graphically in pictures. In the second part an experimental driving system has been set up. Elements of the experimental system are: the Allen Breadly Inverter 1336S-B050, the innovative Integration Embedded DSP board SBC32 with appropriate interfaces and the LSRM itself. First, a LSRM model appropriate for control synthesis was derived. Then the control strategy and the control scheme were selected. The tests necessary for the determination of the LSRM model parameters using open loop control were performed. Parameters of controllers were determined and the complete control scheme was verified by digital simulations and by experiments. The agreement between the results obtained by simulation and the results obtained by experiments is very good.