A Genuine, Impartial, and Authentick Account of the Life of William Parsons, Esq
Executed at Tyburn, Monday, Feb. 11, 1751, for Returning from Transportation. Containing, the Particulars of His Whole Life, from His Birth to His Death; Taken from Memoirs of His Own Hand-writing, and Communicated by Him to a Person who Attended Him During the Whole Time of His Confinement in Newgate. Wherein is a True Account of His Amours, His Forgeries, and Other Villanies - His Behaviour Bothhere and Abroad - a Particular Account of the Robberies He Committed While in America, as Well as the Particulars of Those He Committed in England Since His Return from Transportation (which He Revealed But the Night Before His Execution) - His Behaviour in Newgate, and Other Remarkable Matters, Well Worthy the Perusal of the Publick. To which is Added, by Way of Appendix, Exact Copies of Many Remarkable Letters that Pass'd Between Him and Several Persons While He was in Newgate; Particularly to and from His Father, His Wife, His Brother and Sister, Mr. Fuller, to a Noble Earl, &c. &c. the Originals of which are in the Hands of C. Corbett, in Fleet-Street
出版T. Parker, in Jewin-Street, and C. Corbet, in Fleet-Street, 1751