Nonlinear PDE's, Dynamics and Continuum Physics
1998 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Nonlinear PDE's, Dynamics, and Continuum Physics, July 19-23, 1998, Mount Holyoke College
出版American Mathematical Soc., 2000
主題Mathematics / Differential Equations / GeneralScience / Mechanics / DynamicsScience / Mechanics / GeneralScience / Physics / General
註釋This volume contains the refereed proceedings of the conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Dynamics and Continuum Physics which was held at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, from July 19th to July 23rd, 1998. Models examined derive from a wide range of applications, including elasticity, thermoviscoelasticity, granular media, fluid dynamics, gas dynamics and conservation laws. Mathematical topics include existence theory and stability/instability of traveling waves, asymptotic behavior of solutions to nonlinear wave equations, effects of dissipation, mechanisms of blow-up, well-posedness and regularity, and fractal solutions. The text will be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in nonlinear partial differential equations and applied mathematics.