Christianity and Monasticism in Middle Egypt
註釋The Monastery of Apa Thomas at Wadi Sarga: point of departure for a relative chronology / Renate Dekker -- Intellectural life in Middle Egypt: the case of the Monastery of Bawit (sixth-eighth centuries) / Alain Delattre -- Christianity and monasticism in al-Bahnasa according to Arabic sources / Sherin Sadek El Gendi -- Mesokemic or 'middle Egyptian': the Coptic dialect of Oxyrhynchos / Frank Feder -- The Monastery of Apollo at Bala'iza and its literary texts / James E. Goehring -- "Twenty thousand nuns": the domestic virgins of Oxyrhynchos / AnneMarie Luijendijk -- Anba Isaac, Bishop of the Fayoum, al-Bahnasa, and Giza, 1834-81 / Bishop Martyros -- The Monastery of the Holy Virgin Mary at al-Muharraq, Mount Qusqam: history and heritage (reflections of its monks) / Fr. Angelos al-Muharraqi and a group of the monastery's monks -- John of Shmoun and Coptic identity / Samuel Moawad -- Christianity in Asyut in modern history / Adel F. Sadek -- The place of Qusqam in the textual data on the flight into Egypt / Ashraf Alexandre Sadek -- John of Lykopolis / Mark Sheridan -- Discerning the true religion in late fourteenth-century Egypt: pages from the Dayr al-Muharraq edition of al-Hawi by al-Makin Jirjis ibn al-'Amid / Mark Swanson -- Egyptian gnosticism from its cradle in the Alexandrian quarters of the second century to its jar tomb in the upper Egyptian town of Nag' Hammadi / Hany N. Takla -- Notes on the Arabic Life of Ibrahim al-Fami: a Coptic saint of the fourteenth century / Asuka Tsuji -- Snippets from the past: two ancient sites in the Asyut region: Dayr al-Gabrawi and Dayr al-'Izam / Jacques van der Vliet -- Liturgy of the Monastery of al-Muharraq / Youhanna Nessim Youssef -- L* as a secret language: social functions of early Coptic / Ewa D. Zakrzewska -- Bawit in the twenty-first century: bibliography 1997-2014 / Dominique Bénazeth -- Children's burials from Antinoopolis: discoveries from recent excavations / Cäcilia Fluck -- Recent excavations at Bawit / Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou -- Funerary aspects in the paintings from the Apollo Monastery at Bawit / Karel Innemée -- The cave of John of Lykopolis / Jochem Kahl -- Al-Shaykh Sa'id revisited: a reassessment of the spatial layout of a monastic community / Gertrud J.M. van Loon -- Toward the documentation of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin at al-Muharraq, Asyut / Howard Middleton-Jones -- The Monastery of the Holy Virgin Mary at al-Muharraq, Mount Qusqam: reflections of its monks today / Fr. Philoxenos al-Muharraqi and a group of the monastery's monks -- An overview of rock-cut Coptic sites in Asyut / Ashraf Nageh and Mary Kupelian -- Architectural typology of historic Coptic churches from Oxyrhynchos to Dayr al-Ganadla / Sami Sabri Shaker