Form and perception in visual poetry
註釋FORM and PERCEPTION IN VISUAL POETRY one of the first serious monographs in English that explores what is defined as Visual Poetry. This intermediate genre has its own characteristics. It demands inclusion of a number of disciplines: philosophy, psychology, neurobiology, literature, painting and graphic design, etc. As with many an emergent area of study an interdisciplinary approach takes into account new perspectives of analysis while maintaining respect for traditional methods of approach to poetry. This work discusses the increasing techno-visual elements of poetry creation and by studying the possible mechanisms of perceptions helps the reader/researcher understand the complex artistic and cultural paradigm thus presented. Material is developed that helps the "reading" and "decoding" process stimulated by an unusual combination of elements in poetic discourse and example. There is research work on the semantics of verbal and visual images, color and form. General Gestalt Theory is employed in discussions of form, rhythm, representation, projection and interpretation. A number of poems and poets are discussed from the Anglosphere as well as Spanish language traditions of Spain and Latin America.