Combined Effect of Music and Exercise Among Over Healthy Children

According to OFI (obesity foundation India) only 50 percent of children, 12 to 21 years of age, regularly participate in rigorous physical activity, while 25 percent of children report no physical activity. The average child spends two hours a day watching television, but 26 percent of children watch at least four hours of television per day. Normal physical activity which helps to reduces obesity but also which brings healthy society. There are more than 30 medical conditions that are associated with obesity. Individuals who are obese are at risk of developing one or more of these serious medical conditions, causing poor health or, in severe cases, early death. In order to push the children towards physical exercise or physical activity the researcher want to add some of the high tempo music during their exercise period. Some of the review shows that music during exercise reduces discomfort, stress and so on. In this book the author explains few training schedule of the exercise along with high tempo music which will be really helpful for the readers. These kinds of researcher work make our country in to young and healthy nation amongst the world.