Letter from Thomas Harris, Newton Abbot, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cowper, 1867-1880?
註釋Concerning his search for a property to establish a community; saying "I am endeavouring to find some retired, sheltered farm or freehold, removed from any village and with suitable and harmonious surroundings; one not within the felt presence of the intrusive outside world. Although I am making inquiries I shall not precipitate matters, and not conclude anything until I, I ascertain that it is spiritually suitable, and thus acceptable to our Lord and II, that our hearts and hands are all united in the offering;" continuing the letter the following day; acknowledging receipt of their letter and offer of assistance and relating, in detail and at length, a vision he had the previous night; adding "If, then, I am led to select a spot as the nursery of Divine life order in this land, a column of divine Life will rest thereon : from it, as from a centre, this natural cleansing will begin; while, within its radius, will be gathered up the demagnetised elements, freed from the bondage of corruption. Do not think that I shrink from any duty, but I frankly own that, were it not for the felt and constant hand of my Lord upholding me, I should fall down in utter helplessness. Nevertheless I faint not!;" discussing their offer of assistance, suggesting possible ways to structure it financially and legally and asking that they let him know if " ... either of the methods of investment which I have suggested" are feasible.