How to Sleep Train Twins
Nina Garcia
The Ultimate Guide
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2016-03-26
Family & Relationships / Life Stages / Infants & Toddlers
You're sleep-deprived, in ways you never imagined. Putting one baby to sleep is hard enough, but now you have two to contend with. Two babies who wake up at random times throughout the night. Two babies whose pacifiers fall out and need to be put back in a million times. Two babies you need to rock, nurse, or hold to get them to fall back asleep several times every night. No wonder you're tired. And I can relate: my twins kept my husband and me up at nights, disrupting everyone's sleep. Rocking or nursing to sleep was exhausting. I knew this wasn't a sustainable pattern to continue, and I looked forward to the day when I could finally help them fall asleep on their own. I had an older son whom I sleep trained when he was a baby, but I needed a system that worked specifically with twins. I was dealing with two babies with different patterns and sleeping aids. And so I modified the sleep training method I had used for my singleton to accommodate twins. After just a week, both boys were sleeping 12 hours straight (from 7pm to 7am) without waking up once. I wrote a blog post about the process, to the delight of many twin parents. Several responded with success stories after using my methods. Others had more questions. After answering many of them, I knew I had more to say than what could fit in a single blog post. I wrote and wrote until I answered their questions and addressed different scenarios... and then compiled it all into this guide. I don't know about you, but I had some serious doubts about sleep training twins. I didn't know if it would work, especially since my twins had gotten so used to rocking and nursing. They also woke up several times a night to nurse. I couldn't imagine how they'd sleep through the night without waking up once. And they were supposed to share a room not just with each other, but with their big brother as well. Sleep training seemed all but impossible. Thankfully it all worked out. I wrote How to Sleep Train Twins so your twins can sleep through the night. No fluff, no extra stuff, just the exact steps and information you need. My goal is to help you truly enjoy parenthood. It's pretty hard to do that when you're sleep deprived. What you'll learn: - The step-by-step process of sleep training twins: Confused with all the sleep training books you've read? How to Sleep Train Twins guides you through the exact process, even with twins in the same room. - How to wean from night feedings: Learn how to gradually reduce and drop night feedings. Your twins will learn to consume their calories during the day and sleep through the night. - Sleep training for naps: Learn the techniques to sleep train your twins for naps. You'll get the when, where, and how of doing it successfully. - The tools you'll need: Successful sleep training relies on preparation. I'll show you the items you'll need to make sure sleep training goes smoothly. You'll also get a printable sleep tracker to record your progress. - An invitation to a private Facebook group all about twins: You're not alone! You can ask me and other twin parents questions about sleep training or life with twins in general.