Geology of the Pukaskwa River-University River Area, Districts of Algoma and Thunder Bay
註釋During the summer of 1968 geological mapping at a scale 1:63,360 or 1 inch to 1 mile was carried out over an area of 2,760 square km (1,065 square miles) on the north shore of Lake Superior between Wawa and Marathon. Nine hundred and thirty square kilometres (360 square miles) of the map-area is underlain by Early Precambrian (Archean) metavolcanics and metasediments, most of which are contained within two generally synclinal belts. The northern belt, named the 'Kabenung Lake belt', trends west-southwest for 50 km (30 miles) with an average width of about 8 km (5 miles). It forms the western end of the much larger Michipicoten metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt. The southern belt, the 'Mishibishu Lake belt', forms an arc, convex to the north, with an overall length of 55 km (35 miles) and an average width of about 16 km (10 miles).